When I moved to Mid Wales, I was not planning to revisit my first love of painting or to finally fulfil the dream of becoming an art student. But life sometimes throws a surprise at you. Now I’ve finished the 5 years of study, I can no longer call myself a student. I am an artist. To help my imposter syndrome, I even bought a badge saying ‘I’m an artist’.

When I began experimenting on abstract painting half way through that period, it felt like a rug being pulled out from under my feet.  I needed my horizon in my painting, I needed to paint in perspective.  But the challenge was inexplicably irresistible.   

I paint in layers, and often repeat the same brush marks and geometrical shapes again and again.  Maybe I am unconsciously mimicking the rhythm in nature, or I find it calming.  In this process shapes and colours appear slowly in response to each other.  Deliberate applications of paint doesn’t always work while accidental splashes sometimes transform the painting.  And every time that happens, it reminds me how false it is to believe I am in control. I actually feel more than OK about it.  I am embracing the joy of letting things happen and of leaving things to the rhythm of nature.